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Clothes and Using Money Wisely [Part2] (01/02/18)
Commencement of Jumu'ah (Al-Ihsaan Academy, London 28/10/22)
Complete Īmān and Love for One Another [Annual Youth Conference for Yorkshire] (Jame Masjid, Batley 15/12/18)
Complete Submission (30/05/23)
Completion of Bukhārī - ‘Ilm - The Distribution of Allāh (Madrasah Noorul Islam, London 28/07/19)
Completion of Bukhārī - O the People of 'Ilm! Recognise Your Value (Coventry 13/07/19)
Completion of Sahih-Al-Bukhari (Madani, London 24/09/16)
Completion of Sahīh-Al-Bukhārī (Madrasah Miftahul Uloom Lil-Banāt, Darul Uloom Azadville 13/12/15)
Completion of the Glorious Qur'ān (Balham Masjid, London 16/11/19)
Completion of the Glorious Qur'an (Bolton 19/05/15)
Completion of the Glorious Qur'ān (Ilahi Masjid, Dewsbury 15/12/18)
Completion of the Glorious Qur'ān (Madrasah Bait-us-Salihin,Leicester 09/09/15)
Completion of the Glorious Qur'ān (Madrasah Baytus Saliheen, Leicester 03/11/19)
Concealing Others (22/09/09)
Concern for Others and Nurturing our Children (21/11/23)
Concern for the Hereafter (17/05/16)
Concern for the Hereafter (30/04/13)
Concern for the Hereafter (Nikah 22/12/17)
Concern for the Hereafter [Advices Imparted at the Local Ijtima'] (Masjid an Noor, Leicester 05/12/21)
Connect to Allāh Through His Name (20/08/20)
Connect to the Qur'ān (Crawley 31/08/19)
Connecting to Salāh (04/07/23)
Connecting to the Qur’ān [Completion of the Glorious Qur'ān] (Jameah Masjid, Bradford 09/10/21)
Connecting to the Sublime Sīrah of Nabī ﷺ (Masjid Quwwat-ul-Islam, London 17/12/17)
Connection to the Qur’ān [Completion of Qur'an and Annual Jalsah] (Madrasah Sirajul Ilm, Leicester 24/08/24)
Conquering the Nafs (08/11/22)
Controlling Anger (21/11/09)
Controlling the Nafs - Path to Success (16/06/09)
Controlling the Nafs (Batley 10/04/15)
Controlling the Nafs through Remembrance of Death (Bimonthly Tarbiyah Programme 20/10/24)
Controlling the Nafs: Key to Success (Masjide Umar, Dewsbury 19/11/22)
Coronavirus - To Panic or to Pray? (13/03/20)
Coronavirus: Think About Others (15/03/20)
Creating a Barrier Between Ourselves and the Disobedience to Allāh ta‘ala (31/08/21)
Dangers of the Tongue (09/02/21)
Dear Hāfiz! Recognise Your Value! (Portugal 27/02/10)
Death is Behind You (25th Ramadhān 1439) (10/06/18)
Deceitful Glitters of the World (Manchester 17/02/07)
Deceptive Glitters of the World and Concern for the Hereafter (28th Ramadhān 1440) (02/06/19)
Definition of Good Deeds (01/09/20)
Delete History (27th Ramadan 1432) (27/08/11)
Destroying Unlawful Pleasures (29/03/16)
Dhikrullāh – The Integral Part of Sīrah (16/07/20)
Dil awr Masjid kā Jowr (Makki Masjid, Barbados 26/05/15)
Dīnī Progress is Dependent on Knowledge [16th Annual Sisters' Gathering] (10/03/13)
Divine Love (Youth Programme, Leeds 27/01/07)
Do Justice to Yourself (20/10/20)
Do Not Hurt or Harm Anyone (29/09/20)
Do We Really Love Allāh ta'ālā? (06/08/05)
Don't Fear Death, Prepare for it (07/04/20)
Drawing Nearer to Allāh Through Compulsory and Optional Deeds (03/08/21)
Du'a (12th Ramadhān 1420) (Masjid An Noor, Leicester 20/12/99)
Du'ā: Weapon of a Believer (04/02/14)
Each Person Should Connect to the Book of Allāh (London 11/11/17)
Eagerness for the Masjid (3rd Ramadhān 1420) (Masjid An Noor, Leicester 11/12/99)
Education and Tarbiyyah (Zomba, Malawi 18/07/04)
English Lecture (14/10/23)
English Lecture (Chorley 26/07/15)
English Programme [after Tarāwih] (10th Ramadhān 1444) (31/03/23)
English Programme [after Tarāwih] (11th Ramadhān 1444) (01/04/23)
English Programme [after Tarāwih] (16th Ramadhān 1444) (06/04/23)
English Programme [after Tarāwih] (3rd Ramadhān 1444) (24/03/23)
English Programme [after Tarāwih] (4th Ramadhān 1444) (25/03/23)
Enlightening the Heart with the Dhikr of Allāh (Mountain Rise Masjid, Pietermaritzburg 25/12/18)
Establishing Salāh (25/01/22)
Everything that Begins Comes to an End (Special Holiday Programme, Masjid An Noor, Leicester 31/12/16)
Exams and Trust in Allāh ta'ālā (08/02/11)
Excelling in Optional Devotions (01/02/22)
Expressing Happiness on Someone's Suffering (31/01/17)
Fear Allāh Wherever You Are! (02/08/16)
Final Lecture of Sahih-ul-Bukhari (London 29/09/12)
Flashbacks (03/12/05)
Focussing on Ourselves (07/09/21)
Following the Branches of Sharī'ah - Key to Happiness (Nikah 16/02/18)
Following the Sunnah [Mawlānā Ahmad sāhib] (26/04/17)
Four Deeds that Guarantee Jannah with Safety [Part 1] (22/08/23)
Four Deeds that Guarantee Jannah with Safety [Part 2] (29/08/23)
From 'Ālame Barzakh to the Hereafter [27th Ramadhān 1431] (05/09/10)
From the Bitter Pill of Taqwā to the Sweet Pill of Taqwā [21st Annual Youth Conference] (02/03/14)
Fulfilling the Relation of Brotherhood (28/03/17)
Fulfilling the Rights of the Qur'ān (Jame Masjid, Barbados 12/04/19)
Gatherings of the Qur'ān (Burnley 19/08/17)
Getting Closer to Allāh and the Qur’ān (Abubakr Masjid, Southampton 26/01/19)
Glad Tidings for the Patient Ones (12/01/21)
Glory and Honour Through the Qur’ān [Completion of the Qur’ān] (Masjid Noorul Islam, Bradford 18/06/22)
Goal of Life - Pleasing Allāh (Northfields Education Centre, Leicester 15/09/13)
Good Character – A Part of Dīn (30/08/16)
Good Fortunes of Both Worlds (Batley, 11/05/08)
Good Omen and Evil Omen (11/03/10)
Grief and Happiness (19th Ramadhān 1420) (Masjid An Noor, Leicester 27/12/99)
Guarantee for Eternal Success (10/08/18)
Guaranteed Success (Masjide Falah, Bolton 23/12/21)
Hajj - Its Obligation and Requirements (01/08/17)
Hajj: Virtue & Warning (04/09/12)
Harming Others: The Islamic Viewpoint (06/09/22)
Harms of Disputes & Disunity [Part 1] (11/07/17)
Harms of Disputes & Disunity [Part 2] (08/08/17)
Hifdh: Honour after Honour (Nuneaton 18/04/15)
Hifz-ul-Qur'ān - A Great Bounty [Completion of the Qur'an] (Masjid Aishah, Cork Street, Leicester 04/08/19)
Holding Fast to the Qur'ān (Toronto, Canada 14/12/13)
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