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Loans and Debts: The Islamic Perspective (10/01/19)
Love and Unity (The Da'wah Conference, London 10/02/18)
Love for Fellow Muslims [23rd Annual Youth Conference] (02/10/16)
Love for Nabī ﷺ: How Much? (04/10/22)
Love for our Nabī ﷺ and Sending Salutations [after Fajr] (25th Ramadhān 1440) (30/05/19)
Love Whomsoever You Wish (Manchester 13/03/04)
Loyalty to Parents - Part1 (06/11/12)
Loyalty to Parents- Part2 (13/11/12)
Make the Most of Your Ramadhān [with Book Reading] (22/03/22)
Making Fun of Someone: A Major Sin (22/05/12)
Making Good Intentions on Our Daily Actions (12/05/17)
Making Our Past, Present and Future Valuable (Bimonthly Tarbiyah Programme 25/08/24)
Masjid - A Great Ni'mat of Allāh [Masjid Opening] (Chorley 26/02/06)
Masjid - The Most Beloved Place to Allāh (Opening of Masjid An Noor, Cavehill, Barbados 12/04/19)
Masnūn Supplications and their Benefits (04/06/20)
Mercy and Compassion (Youth Programme, Old IDA Building 23/01/98)
Mercy for the Universe (Masjid An Noor, Leicester 21/03/09)
Mercy, Mercy and Mercy - After Fajr (25th Ramadhān 1438) (20/06/17)
Mi'rāj - An Example of Firm Belief (Youth Programme, Luton Masjid An Noor, Leicester 25/10/08)
Most Valuable but Most Wasted Fortune [3rd Saturday Tazkiyah Majlis] (JRU, Leicester 21/05/05)
Mutual Love - The Key to Paradise (Youth Programme, Stamford Hill Masjid, London 08/11/08)
Nabī ﷺ : The Best Example (Chorley 09/07/16)
Nafs and its Three Stages (20/07/21)
Naye Sāl ke Mawqah Par (03/01/01)
Negligence in Regards to Staying Away from Sins (04/06/22)
Never Turn Away from Allāh - Pearls of Paradise I'tikāf Programme [after 'Ishā] (Masjid Abubaker, Scarborough, Canada 10/11/18)
Neyk Logo(n) kā Tazkirah (Zambia 07/11/11)
Nikāh (Masjid Al Farooq, Derby 23/01/20)
Nikah Bayan (03/08/18)
Nikāh Bayan (19/09/20)
Nothing is Forever (Masjid An Noor, Leicester 31/12/20)
Nurturing Our Children (08/06/21)
Obedience to Parents [Al-Adab Al-Mufrad, Bab 8, Part 5] (25/03/14)
Obeying the Rulers [Al-Adab Al-Mufrad, Bab 8, Part 6] (01/04/14)
Objective of Life - Pleasing Allāh (Al-Huda Academy, Bolton 11/08/13)
One of the Greatest Losses (03/06/22)
One Solution & One Resolution (Croydon 23/11/13)
Only 2 Steps to Jannah (Masjid An Noor, Leicester 31/12/13)
Only Taqwā and Good Deeds will be Helpful in the Hereafter (19/04/16)
Opening of Masjid Adam (London 25/03/22)
Optional Deeds (23/06/11)
Our 2 Responsibilities: Īmān & 'Amale Sālih (Barbados 30/10/13)
Our Attachment to the Qur'ān (Swindon 24/09/17)
Our Attachment with the Qur’ān and Nabī ﷺ (Darlaston, 28/10/18)
Our Connection with the Houses of Allāh (Croydon, Surrey 21/07/18)
Our Connection with the Masājid (London 17/12/16)
Our Connection with the Sahābah [Sunday Ta'leem - Hayatus Sahabah] (20/01/19)
Our Dīn Continuously Reminds Us of the Ākhirah (02/07/20)
Our Goal (Nikah 22/07/17)
Our Goal: Dunyā or Ākhirah? (03/01/23)
Our Only Solution: Taqwā (Nuneaton 10/11/13)
Our Two Responsibilities (Masjide Zaynab, Colombo 19/12/14)
Parents and Quality Time (30/03/10)
People of Qur'ān and How it was Preserved (Crawley 21/04/18)
Perfecting Your Islam (28/05/24)
Performing Optional Prayers (18/02/18)
Prepare for the Reckoning (19/01/21)
Preparing for the Inevitable (25/06/24)
Preparing for the Two Most Critical Moments (11/01/22)
Prescription for Acquiring the Love of Allah (Northampton 10/05/09)
Purifying the Heart and the Quest for Knowledge [after Fajr] (22nd Ramadhān 1440) (27/05/19)
Purpose of the Qur'ān (Forest Gate Masjid, London 12/08/17)
Qur'ān - A Great Blessing (Leytonstone Masjid, London 22/03/14)
Qur'ān - A Letter from The Creator (Balham, London 30/04/06)
Qur'ān - A Revelation (Oldham 16/02/14)
Qur'ān - Mercy for Believers (Bolton 09/07/06)
Qur'an - The Element of Honour (Plashet Grove, London 12/01/19)
Qur'ān – A Priceless Treasure (Tahfeez Academy, Leicester 16/03/14)
Qur'ān & Ramadhān - 1st Ramadhān 1435 (29/06/14)
Qur'ān and Our Success (Gloucester 29/08/15)
Qur'ān and the Month of Ramadhān (Ilaahi Masjid, Dewsbury 05/05/18)
Qur'ān is Easy to Learn (29 Ramadhān 1432) (29/08/11)
Qur'ān, Taqwā & Tawbah (Eman Foundation, London 23/03/14)
Qur'ān: A Means of Attracting the Mercy of Allāh (Leytonstone Masjid, London 11/02/17)
Qur'ān: A Source of Guidance and Mercy (26/03/17)
Qur'ān: Read, Understand and Practise [Completion of the Glorious Qur'ān] (Masjid Al-Falah, Leicester 27/08/21)
Qur'ān: The Greatest Wealth (Cardiff 14/09/19)
Qur'ān: The Only Solution (Quwwatul Islam Masjid, Crawley 25/02/15)
Qur’ān Made Easy for You (Masjid As-Safa, Birmingham 29/10/16)
Qur’ān: The Message from Allāh (Coventry 14/12/17)
Ramadhān - A Month of Forgiveness [after Zuhr] (5th Ramadhān 1442) (17/04/21)
Ramadhān - A Month of Mercy for All (29/03/22)
Ramadhān – A Month of Becoming the Special Friend of Allāh (21/04/20)
Ramadhān and Qur'ān: Two Great Favours (Upton Lane Masjid, London 20/04/19)
Reaching the Destination (23rd Ramadhān 1432) (23/08/11)
Recognising Our Defects and Self Improvement (01/12/20)
Recognising the Value of Life - Before Zuhr (8th Ramadhān 1438) (03/06/17)
Recognition and Love for Our Creator - After Fajr (24th Ramadhān 1438) (19/06/17)
Recompense the Bounties of Allah (24/10/14)
Reflect Upon Your Praise (Bolton 25/04/10)
Reflecting During Times of Ease and Difficulty (08/02/22)
Refraining from Lustful Glances (14/05/24)
Remain a Tālibul-'Ilm Till Your Last Breath [Annual Jalsah] (Madrasah Riyadul Qur'an, Leicester 09/08/19)
Remain Pure from the Filth of Sin (01/11/22)
Remembering Allāh at all Times [20th Annual Sisters' Gathering] (22/10/17)
Remembering Death (9th Ramadhān 1438) (04/06/17)
Remembering Death in Abundance [Youth Programme] (27th Ramadhān 1445) (05/04/24)
Remembering Nabī sallallahu 'alyhi wasallam (19/09/23)
Remembrance of Death: The Destroyer of Desires (24/09/19)
Repeating the Message of Salām (05/05/15)
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