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The Explanation of ‘Amale Sālih (Dewsbury 01/12/13)
The Favour of the Qur'ān and the Two Levels of Taqwā (London 18/05/17)
The Favours of Allāh and Blessed Moments (06/07/21)
The First Stage of the Hereafter: The Grave (05/04/16)
The First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah (22/08/17)
The Glorious Qur'ān, the Best Ummah and the Greatest Nabī (Coventry 06/09/15)
The Glorious Qur’ān: A Great Blessing (10/01/23)
The Great Companion Sayyidunā Abū Hurayrah radhiyallāhu 'anhu (05/09/17)
The Great Life (IDA Youth Programme 05/07/97)
The Greatness of 'Ilm (Dare Arqam, Preston 21/06/14)
The Greatness of the Month of Ramadhān and the Importance of Compulsory and Optional Deeds [after Zuhr] (9th Ramadhān 1441) (02/05/20)
The Hadīth of Salmān radiyallāhu 'anhu – Farā'idh and Different A'māl [Part3] (28/05/13)
The Hadīth of Salmān radiyallāhu 'anhu – Ramadhān, Tahajjud & Tarawīh [Part2] (21/05/13)
The Hadīth of Salmān radiyallāhu 'anhu – Sabr & Fasting [Part4] (04/06/13)
The Hadīth of Salmān radiyallāhu ‘anhu - Ramadhān & Laylatul-Qadr [Part1] (14/05/13)
The Hadīth of Salmān radiyallāhu ‘anhu – The Virtue of Breaking Someone's Fast [Part5] (11/06/13)
The Hadīth of Salmān radiyallāhu ‘anhu [Part6] (20/07/13)
The Hadīth of the Lady who Served the Masjid [Part 1] (07/02/17)
The Hadīth of the Lady who Served the Masjid [Part 2] (14/02/17)
The Harms & Dangers of Intoxicants [Al-Adab Al-Mufrad, Bab 8, Part 4] (04/03/14)
The Harms and Dangers of Usury (03/04/12)
The Harms and Evils of Backbiting (24/04/12)
The Importance and Etiquettes of Hadīth [Commencement of Sahīh-ul-Bukhārī] (07/09/20)
The Importance of 'Ilm & 'Amal - Completion of Sahīh-Al-Bukharī (Madani Girls, London 28/02/15)
The Importance of 'Ilm and How to Value it (Al-Madrasatul-Madaniyyah, St. Matthews, Leicester 01/09/21)
The Importance of Dhikrullāh (The Da'wah Conference, London 19/11/16)
The Importance of Istinjā (01/04/10)
The Importance of Keeping Good Names (17/09/20)
The Importance of Knowledge & the Obstacles in its Acquisition (Chatham, Canada 13/12/13)
The Importance of Reciting Salāt 'Alan-Nabī sallallāhu 'alayhi wasallam - After Fajr (28th Ramadhān 1438) (23/06/17)
The Importance of Unity (7th Ramadhān 1420) (Masjid An Noor, Leicester 15/12/99)
The Key to Jannah [Annual Jalsah] (Al-Madrasatul Madaniyyah, Leicester 27/08/23)
The Lofty Status of Our Beloved Nabī ﷺ (Jame Masjid, Batley 09/12/17)
The Many Branches of Īmān (19/06/10)
The Meaning of “Fī Sabīlillāh” (25/08/15)
The Method of Controlling the Nafs [Part 1] (15/11/22)
The Method of Controlling the Nafs [Part 2] (06/11/22)
The Month of Muharram (26/09/17)
The Need for Good Company (26th Ramadhān 1429) (26/09/08)
The Never Ending Desires of the Nafs (10/09/19)
The Ni'mat of Qur'an and its Shukr [Completion of the Glorious Qur'ān] (Gloucester 22/01/22)
The One Who Finds His Father Alive but is Unable to Enter Jannah [Al-Adab Al-Mufrad, Bab 10] (11/11/14)
The One Who is Kind to His Parents... [Al-Adab Al-Mufrad, Bab 11] (25/11/14)
The Only Solution to Our Problems (At-Taqwa Academy, London 01/09/19)
The Path of Moderation (JRU, Leicester 02/07/05)
The Path to an Easy Death (06/09/16)
The Path to Jannah [Annual Jalsah] (Madrasah Baytul Ilm, Leicester 02/08/23)
The Path to Safeguarding Your Īmān - After Zuhr (9th Ramadhān 1438) (04/06/17)
The Path to Success - Taqwā & Tawbah (Preston 29/12/13)
The Path to the Love of Our Nabī ﷺ (Northfileds Education Centre 26/01/14)
The Perfect Believer: Who and How (Jumu'ah Lecture, Jame' Masjid, Azadvile 11/12/15)
The Promise of Allāh (Special Holiday Youth Programme 02/01/24)
The Prophet ﷺ and Mercy (Northampton 20/04/08)
The Quality of this World and the Hereafter (10/01/17)
The Reality of Life (02/08/22)
The Reality of Taqwā (Seattle, America 17/08/16)
The Reckoning of the Day of Qiyāmah (Youth Programme, Bolton 08/12/07)
The Revelation and Preservation of the Glorious Qur’ān [Completion of the Glorious Qur'ān] (Nuneaton Masjid, Nuneaton 18/09/21)
The Reward of Connecting Ourselves to the Qur'ān (Masjid Al-Fuqan, Leicester 14/01/17)
The Role of a Hāfize Qur'ān (Masjid Al-Imam Al-Bukhari, Leicester 08/02/14)
The Significance of 'Insignificant' Deeds (10/05/22)
The Significance of Abstaining from Prohibited things (15/03/16)
The Solution to Every Problem (23/11/21)
The Status of a Sahibe Qur'ān (Masjid Al-Falah, Leicester 10/05/14)
The Status of Qur'ān (Masjid Al Furqan, Leicester 09/02/19)
The Status of Women in Islām [10th Annual Sisters' Gathering] (11/02/07)
The Sublime Nabī ﷺ (Masjid An Noor, Leicester 23/11/19)
The Sublime Supplications and Sunan of Our Beloved Nabī sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam (25/06/20)
The Symbol of Perfection (Bolton 25/03/07)
The Ten Blessed Days of Dhul-Hijjah (28/06/22)
The Theme of the Qur'ān: Tawhīd, Risālah & Ākhirah (Chorley 11/08/13)
The Three Brothers (21/04/15)
The Time Has Come! [after Tarāwih] (25th Ramadhān 1444) (15/04/23)
The True Lovers of Nabī sallallāhu 'alayhi wasallam (19/10/21)
The Two Tests of Life (Burnley 21/02/09)
The Ultimate Message (Masjid-e-Hidayah, Manchester 22/09/18)
The Valuable Advices of Sayyidunā ‘Ammār ibn Yāsir radhiyallāhu ‘anhu [Part1] [after Tarāwih] (17th Ramadhān 1444) (07/04/23)
The Valuable Advices of Sayyidunā ‘Ammār ibn Yāsir radhiyallāhu ‘anhu [Part2] [after Tarāwih] (18th Ramadhān 1444) (08/04/23)
The Valuable Advices of Sayyidunā ‘Ammār ibn Yāsir radhiyallāhu ‘anhu [Part3] [after Tarāwih] (24th Ramadhān 1444) (14/04/23)
The Value of 'Ilm and the People of 'Ilm (Masjide Quba, London 16/12/17)
The Value of ‘Ilm and the Final Hadīth of Sahīhul-Bukhārī [Completion of the Glorious Qur'ān and Sahihul-Bukhāri] (Masjid Noorul Islam, Bradford 09/10/21)
The Value of Knowledge (JRU Jalsah 14/03/09)
The Valueless World and the Priceless Hereafter (17/09/19)
The Veil of Taqwā (Northampton 22/12/13)
This Life & the Afterlife (Grenada 26/10/13)
Those Who Refuse Jannah (04/04/17)
Three Advices from the Blessed City of Madinah Munawwarah (31/12/17)
Three Qualities to Acquire the Sweetness of Īmān (27/12/09)
Three Signs for True Love (09/07/20)
Three Things that will Become Rare (11/06/20)
Three Things to do on the Day of Friday (28/05/20)
Thursday English Bayan [15th Sha'bān 1443] (17/03/22)
Time - A Great Bounty (26/12/23)
Time Management and Training the Nafs [after Fajr] (24th Ramadhān 1439) (09/06/18)
Tīn Aham Nasīhate(n) (Zambia 14/11/11)
Transitory World and Everlasting Hereafter [after Fajr] (27th Ramadhān 1440) (01/06/19)
True Belief - Submission with Heart and Mind - After Fajr (26th Ramadhān 1438) (21/06/17)
True Hijrah: Leaving Sins (13/10/15)
True Knowledge and its Value (Batley 26/01/13)
True Love for Nabī sallallāhu 'alayhi wasallam (Al Huda Academy, Bolton 17/02/18)
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