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Monthly Tazkiyah & Tarbiyah Gathering (First Saturday of the Month):
Miscellaneous Articles
Spiritual Illnesses
by Hadhrat Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh
A human has two aspects to his life: physical and spiritual. The physical aspect is related to the body and the spiritual aspect is related to the soul. Both aspects are vulnerable to illnesses. Just as the body can suffer from physical ailments such as cancer, TB, fever, headache, etc., the soul can also suffer from spiritual illnesses,...
Two Levels of Al-A'mālus-Sālihah (Good Deeds)
Every human that comes into this world is ordered to fulfil two responsibilities - Īmān and Al-A'māl As-Sālihah (good deeds). The success and failure of both worlds depend on completing these two tasks.
If a person on an individual level adorns his life with Īmān and Al-A'māl As-Sālihah, then he will achieve individual success in his individual kingdom. Allāh ta'ālā states:
Whoever, male...
The Legacy of the Madrasah
Our children attend madrasahs every evening, yet we as their parents do not attach much significance to them, regarding them merely as places that look after the ummah's infants. We hold them on a par with nurseries, as places of elementary learning. We should realise though, that as long as we fail to attach importance to them, we will remain ignorant of our children's development and...
Using Social Media and Technology Responsibly
A key feature of the era we live in is the rapid development of technology and the continuous impact this has on our lives, both in terms of the way we live and how we spend our time. As Muslims we understand that the purpose of our life is to acquire the pleasure of Allāh ta'ālā, by spending each moment of our life in accordance with His commands. As Allāh ta'ālā is the All Knowing, He was...
Urdu Publications
Essential Du'a Booklets