Make this Ramadhān a memorable one. Make it a Ramadhān you will remember for the rest of your life. Make it such that, inshā'allāh, in Jannah you will say it was this Ramadhān from when my life changed forever and in which Allāh ta'ālā made me His walī (special friend).
To make this Ramadhān a memorable one, abstain from disobeying Allāh Our Creator. Do not even think about disobeying Allāh ta'ālā throughout the blessed month.
In order to safeguard yourself from disobeying Allāh ta'ālā; avoid gatherings and mixing with people as many sins such as backbiting and slandering take place when one mixes with people.
Safeguard your tongue by only saying what is good and rewarding. Always think before you speak.
Safeguard your ears and eyes from those things which are disliked by Allāh ta'ālā.
Memorable Ramadhān
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