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- Category: Malfuzat
- Hits: 3115
"Our scholars and pious predecessors have noted that every disobedience of Allāh ta'ālā carries within itself the taint of kufr (disbelief) to some degree. This is why one who is constantly involved in sins is considered to be endangering his imān.
A flagrant sinner will be disinclined to repent, and may eventually land himself in destruction by beginning to question faith, and eventually denounce faith in Allāh ta'ālā altogether (may Allāh ta'ālā protect us)."
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- Category: Malfuzat
- Hits: 3575
Hadhrat Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh mentioned a very valuable point in a recent lesson of Hadīth. He said,
''Shaytān and nafs (inner self) lead us to believe that there are certain actions we just can't do and certain actions which are impossible to stay away from e.g. waking up for fajr salāh, controlling one's gazes, refraining from drugs etc. When we fall into this deception then we will make no effort either. We should embed in our minds that we have the ability to carry out all the "do's" and stay away from all the "don'ts" of sharī'ah. If we do this then we will at least try. The more we try, the more our spiritual strength will increase and the stronger we will become in combating shaytān and our nafs to acquire the pleasure of Allāh ta'ālā."
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- Category: Malfuzat
- Hits: 3454
For those who practice patience, musībah (adversity) is a gift from Allāh ta'ālā and not a punishment. This is because patience in the face of adversity brings the proximity of Allāh ta'ālā very rapidly.
Many a time, patience guarantees such rewards and blessings that cannot be acquired solely through one's efforts in 'ibādah (worship) and obedience to Allāh ta'ālā.
Certainly those who observe patience will get their reward in full without measure. (39:10)
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- Category: Malfuzat
- Hits: 3328
"Imagine the following situation: you are in the safety of a room when two people come and give you two pieces of contradictory news; one says that there is a venomous snake outside and the other says there is not. What would you do in such a situation?
You would take every precaution and stay indoors following the first person’s advice until you were 100% sure the second opinion was correct. If this is our attitude in regards to worldly harms, should we not, when we are in doubt as to whether something is halāl or harām, take the precautious measure too, until we are 100% satisfied?"
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- Category: Malfuzat
- Hits: 6667
"A person will be rewarded even when he spends money on his own family. However, this reward is dependent upon the person’s intention; if the intention is to acquire the Pleasure of Allāh ta'ālā, he will be rewarded.
Therefore, when going shopping for groceries, clothes etc. make the intention, 'I am doing this to fulfill the Command of Allāh ta'ālā of feeding and clothing my family and I am doing this for His pleasure only.' Inshā'allāh, you will be entitled to reward.
It is unfortunate that we do not make an intention of pleasing Allāh ta'ālā whilst carrying out those actions which we normally carry out as routine. If only we could learn to make the correct intention at the right time, then all our apparent worldly actions would become a means of acquiring reward and the Pleasure of Allāh ta'ālā."
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